Key benefits of this course
On successful completion of this course, participants should have gained:
- Practical skills for downstream purification filtration and chromatography
- Knowledge and understanding of filtration and chromatography principles in downstream process development
- Immersion in a GMP-like cleanroom production environment
- Guidance on how to apply single-use bioprocessing technology to downstream production processes.
Digital badge and certificate

A digital badge and certificate will be awarded following the successful completion of any necessary tasks or assessments to demonstrate acquired learning of the short course or for meeting attendance and/or participation requirements.
Learn more about UTS Open digital badges.
Course outline
This three-day course incorporates both theory and practical learning experience by combining the NIBRT industry training curriculum with hands-on, practical sessions from UTS.
You will expand your knowledge on downstream bioprocessing through theory and hands-on practical sessions exploring aseptic connections, a single-use liquid chromatography system and an ultrafiltration/diafiltration system.
You will also have the opportunity to practice key downstream bioprocessing principles and skills by preparing and running designed plot-scale protocols in a GMP-lite environment.
Key topics covered
- Fundamentals of downstream processing for product recovery
- Single-use technologies in downstream processes
- Overview of chromatography
- Overview of ultrafiltration/diafiltration
- Viral clearance technologies
- Preparation and operation of a single-use chromatography system
- Preparation and operation of a single-use UF/DF system.
Learning outcomes
- Describe the methods available for downstream processing and protein purification.
- Explain the basic principles of chromatography, filtration, and viral clearance in downstream processing.
- Perform the key process operations of a single-use chromatography system.
- Develop the skills to prepare and operate a single-use UF/DF system.
- Practise GDP to follow and complete SOPs, batch records and logbook.
About the providers
The Biologics Innovation Facility (BIF) is an Australia-first training and bioprocessing facility based at the University of Technology, Sydney. BIF aims to drive the development of the biotech industry by offering a platform for innovation in biopharmaceutical research, as well as providing professional training in bioprocessing techniques in a GMP-lite environment.
The National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) is a global centre of excellence for training and research in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. NIBRT is located in a world class facility in Dublin, Ireland.
This facility is purpose built to closely replicate a modern bioprocessing plant with state-of-the-art equipment and enables NIBRT to offer the highest quality training and research solutions.
NIBRT’s mission is to support the growth and development of all aspects of the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
Full price: $3,600 (GST-free)*
*Price subject to change. Please check price at time of purchase.
Enrolment conditions
Course purchase is subject to UTS Open Terms and Conditions.
COVID-19 response
UTS complies with latest Government health advice. Delivery of all courses complies with the UTS response to COVID-19.
Should you have any questions about the course, please do not hesitate to email the Biologics Innovation Facility at
Contact us
For any questions on enrolment or payment, please email